Calling of the Recorder

Learn the ins and outs of the prophetic recorders calling

Lecture Summary

Theresa Harvard Johnson walks the prophetic scribe through an understanding of the "prophetic recorder" as it relates to The Scribal Anointing, the 21st century revelation of the prophetic scribe. Clear and impactful distinctions are made concerning the role of the prophetic recorder vs. the prophetic writer.

Lecture Listings

Theresa Harvard Johnson

Theresa Harvard Johnson is the progenitor of teachings on The Scribal Anointing®, the 21st-century revelation of the office of the prophetic scribe. She is passionate about identifying, building and providing structural foundations for the Lord's scribal nation.


A scribal prophet is indeed a prophet called and sent by God to operate fully in his or her Ephesians 4:11 office for the purpose of equipping the Body and maturing the saints. However, the scribal prophet IS NOT a separate or different gift from the prophet."

Lecture Pricing

Scribal Basic

$14.97 USD

  • The Scribal Basic plan grants lifetime access to this non-certificate lecture.

    • Define the prophetic recorder
    • Clearly identify the differences between a recorder and writer
    • Understand the role of the prophetic recorder in the supernatural realm
    • Understand the role of the prophetic recorder in the earth realm
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