Master Class: How to Become Your Book

A Prophetic Approach To Book Publishing Success

Prophetic writers! Prophetic Authors! Have you struggled to successfully promote your book or blog? Are you struggling to sell your books? Are you currently in the process of planning your next book promotion? This master class is designed specifically for prophetic writers and authors. Students will learn how to cultivate specific strategies "geared toward prophetic writers and authors" to position their publishing projects for success. WE ARE DIFFERENT! PROPHETIC STRATEGIES ARE NEEDED FOR PROPHETIC PEOPLE!

Learn with Scribal Commander Theresa Harvard Johnson, who built a successful scribal repository and educational center for 21st century scribes, with only a vision from God... among communities who believed there was absolutely NO MARKET or a VIABLE CONCEPT for building a scribal nation! She defeated the odds, created the audience she needed to hear her message, and stands as the leading voice for understanding The Scribal Anointing®. Learn from an experienced scribe who understands how to build for legacy in this pioneering season. In this hour, there is greater room for us! Learn how to find your place within God's plan and propel your vision.

This master class session is appropriate for SERIOUS prophetic writers (published and non-published) of all kinds.

No hooks.
No hype man.  
No false or grandiose promises and claims.  
Just a love for God, a love for prophetic scribes and a prophetic plan to increase the Lord's scribal nation in this innovative and pioneering season.


  • To learn to become the book, message GOD has entrusted YOU to write
  • To learn to cultivate and nurture that message with assurance & ease
  • To receive prophetic guidance, insight, prophetic ministry and prayer
  • To learn how to position yourself for publishing success
  • To obtain the framework for a publishing success plan that works 
  • To receive guidance specific to the prophetic realm



Some prophetic writers struggle significantly with getting their blogs noticed, and promoting and selling their published books. The process for the prophetic writer, however, doesn't always begin or even end with the standards and processes for recognition, marketing and promotions that are common in publishing circles. Rather, prophetic writers follow the pattern of all the prophetic messengers in Scripture that have come before them. In the Scribal Commander's Master Class, Theresa Harvard Johnson walks prophetic writers through an easy-to-follow series of steps that position them to "become the message" they were destined to release in the earth through well-thought-out, biblically defined steps surrounding prophetic release — positioning them to create a pathway for publishing success. The lectures presented in this course are based solely on wisdom, insight and understanding based on The Scribal Anointing®, a 21st century revelation of the office of the prophetic scribe. This course is brought to you by Scribal Commander Theresa Harvard Johnson, founder of The School of the Scribe

Hebrews 10:7 KJV, "Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God."




$37 USD

  • One-time payment. Lifetime access.