Courses are unique learning units that are filled with multiple lessons on a specific topic. They are ideal for students who would like to walk line-by-line concerning a specific subject within the scribe school. Lessons generally contain lectures, presentation notes, free e-books, assignments, exercises, virtual or physical field trips, quizzes, discussion boards and/or live lectures. Courses may take anywhere from a week to several months to complete. If you are seeking comprehensive understanding of your calling, courses are an ideal fit. Free & paid courses available.


Lectures are perfect for students who want to learn more about a specialized topic or who may want a quick glance concerning the level of teaching they can expect inside our school.  Each lecture covers a "specialized" topic relating to an aspect of scribal ministry presented using PowerPoint presentations.  
Many of them are accompanied by quality resources for further study, and lecture notes. In addition, the lectures range from  1.5 to 3.5 hours. Students are free to review them at their convenience. They are ideal for short, topical studies. Free and paid lectures available.


  • All of our teachings are scripturally based. We believe in supporting revelation with strong logos, scriptural evidence. We also teach from a historical, academic and revelatory realm. This approach ensures that you can always prove what you learn on your own.
  • All of our teachings contain original, authentic revelation. Our content is exclusive to the teachings on The Scribal Anointing®, the 21st-century revelation of the office of the prophetic scribe. We do not use other people's teachings, books, content, etc. as the foundation for the revelation in The School of the Scribe. We do provide links to support material.
  • We dive into the deep waters of the Word! Expect to explore the history of the people, understand the context of their interactions, and how the world around them impacted the calling, ministry, destiny and purpose of the prophetic scribe.
  • Expect to dispel myths, confusion and errors surrounding the biblical scribe. Our teachings infuse prophetic scribes into a beautiful heritage - free of tremendous misunderstandings, and causes us to be profoundly grateful for our callings.
  • We fully embrace what we have come to understand as "The Scribal Realm."  In The School of the Scribe, we define the scribal realm as a profound place in the Spirit from which all scribal activity flows whether secular or sacred.


This is an simple question to answer. We strongly recommend starting at your level of interest - the office of the scribe, prophetic writing or scribal prophets. You see, most of our courses and lectures are designed for any stage of scribal development. If a course requires advanced knowledge of the scribe, we will tell you up front and list what you need. If you absolutely need course recommendations, then begin with the list below. I've listed four starter courses and explained why I recommend them.

  • Am I a prophetic scribe? (Course): This course is an introduction to understanding the comprehensive identity of the prophetic scribe. It is excellent if you are seeking to really understand what a prophetic scribe is and grasp the functions of a prophetic scribe in the congregation today.

  • The Prophetic Writing Dimension (Lecture): Are you called to be a prophetic writer? This course wraps tremendous revelation around that calling to help launch prophetic writers into their destiny. This course was a part of a two-day conference.

  • Releasing the Creative Prophetic Writer (Course): This course clarifies and affirms the creative calling of the CREATIVE prophetic writer. It is packed full of resources, exercises, identity based teachings and exploration of many different creative forms. It is ideal for the prophetic writer who is seeking to fully understand their PROPHETICE identity in the 21st century as a creative writer AND scribe. Perfect for comedians, poets, playwrights, letter writers, cartoonists, graphic novelists, etc.

  • Prophetic Documenting (Free Course): Learn to professionally document the word and lives around you.

If you are a prophet, the following courses are HIGHLY recommended. Begin with Navigating the Calling of the Writing Prophet, Revealing Scribal Prophets, Prophetic Guilds of the Bible & the Critical Scribal Connection, Calling of the Prophetic Recorder, and any teaching on "the scribal realm."

If you are a dreamer, our courses are inside "The Dream Writers' Academy."

International Students! Contact us here.

"The School of the Scribe is a repository of learning resources for the prophetic scribe. This isn't a side hustle for us where "scribal ministry" is one of a thousand other streams. This is our full-time vocation. Every lesson is rooted in revelation, the historical journey of the prophetic scribe and accurate academic understanding. Our ministry assignment has touched the lives of prophetic people from all walks of Christian life. We bring the practical and spiritual to the table - as we continue to grow and expand in practical understanding and revelation."  - Theresa Harvard Johnson, Founder, The School of the Scribe